Is Spanish your first language, or maybe you prefer learning in it? We’ve listened to your feedback to provide member education in other languages and are pleased to announce our first CalPERS Planning Your Retirement Basics member education video in Spanish. The translated title is Lo esencial para planificar su jubilación.
“There is a noticeable need to provide educational classes in other languages — primarily Spanish — to help our members, who are fellow public servants, understand their benefits and make necessary life decisions,” said David Rubio, chief of the CalPERS Customer Education and Outreach Division. “Spanish language requests have increased since our offices reopened from the pandemic in 2022, and it’s clear a more efficient approach is needed.”
At our CalPERS Benefits Education Events, we offer a comparable class, Benefits Basics, delivered in English. The class is among our most popular and includes a 45-minute overview of CalPERS benefits, followed by 15 minutes of questions and answers.
Did You Know?
Besides English, Spanish is the most common language request for one-on-one retirement benefit counseling appointments, and averages approximately 92% of non-English requests each year.
Our Regional Offices can accommodate one-on-one benefits counseling in any language requested by a member. If there isn’t a counselor that speaks your preferred language, we have a third-party vendor that will provide translation services to meet your needs.
If you’d like to speak with someone about your CalPERS benefits, make an appointment to visit one of our Regional Offices.