Health Benefits

Traveling for Medically Necessary Health Care? You Could Recoup Your Costs.

Car driving down highway

You could get reimbursed if you must travel beyond 50 miles to receive medically necessary health care as a CalPERS health plan member come 2025.

The new Travel Benefit for Medically Necessary Health Care standardizes travel and lodging coverage for eligible medically necessary services that cannot be accessed within 50 miles from the member’s residence for all Basic and Medicare plan members, up to $5,000 per occurrence. This includes transportation, lodging, and meals for the member and a companion (both parents/guardians when patient is under 18).

“Those living in more rural areas must often travel further for the same services that may take only a five-minute walk for someone else,” said Dr. Julia Logan, CalPERS chief medical officer. “This benefit is intended to address that health equity gap and remove health care barriers while positioning our members for the best health outcomes.”

What Medically Necessary Health Care Services Are Covered?

  • Abortion services
  • Bariatric surgery
  • Organ and tissue transplants
  • Gender-affirming care
  • Acute inpatient pediatric care (except direct admission to the neonatal intensive care unit) or specialty inpatient pediatric care (except direct admission to the pediatric intensive care unit)
  • Outpatient pediatric hematology and oncology

What Expenses Are Covered?

Transportation, lodging, and meals with some limitations, and expenses for one companion to receive eligible covered services. If you are under 18, CalPERS will cover expenses for both parents or guardians.

Reach out to your health plan for complete details on services covered, the amount of reimbursement, limitations and exclusions, and how to request reimbursement.