Here are some quick facts to know about the ACFR by the numbers:
$464.6 billion: That is our net assets (also known as the net position) figure for the fiscal year for the Public Employees’ Retirement Fund (PERF).
5.8%: This is our fiscal year investment net return for the PERF, which was driven primarily by the strong performance from public equity and private debt.
70.9%: This is our funded status as of June 30, 2022. Our estimated funded status for June 30, 2023, is 72%. This is a measure of the fund’s financial status when comparing the assets to the liabilities.
2,888: This is the number of employers we contract with for pension benefits.
2,233,774: All of us—the total number of benefit recipients and members (PERF).
1,543,152: Members and their family members covered in the CalPERS health program.
$31.1 billion: Benefits paid out to nearly 800,000 retirees and beneficiaries. This is an increase of approximately $2 billion or 6.8% from the previous fiscal year (PERF).
Learn More
The full FY 2022-23 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (PDF) is available online for further reading.